
Get Ready for Fortnite's Chapter 5 Season 3 Live Event Extravaganza!

Chapter 5 Season 3 is ramping up with a build-up event that promises to be nothing short of epic. The spotlight is on the enormous statue atop Mount Olympus, setting the stage for a series of electrifying developments.

Following last season's pattern, we've seen gradual map changes leading up to this moment. It all started with the light rays above the statue turning blue and storm clouds gathering in Stage 1. By Stage 3, the statue's eyes began to glow blue, with the clouds darkening and lightning bolts making their dramatic debut.

Fast forward to Stage 5, and the statue's eyes are glowing even brighter. A powerful lightning bolt struck the statue, sending energy surging around its sword. Leaks hint at an upcoming animation where the statue raises its right arm, pointing the sword skyward. This will trigger more lightning strikes around the blade, a fitting nod to the Greek god Zeus, introduced as an NPC in Season 2.

But that's not all! According to the leaker ShiinaBR, a massive sandstorm is set to sweep across the Desert biome and the entire map. Leakers Loolo_WRLD and ImPeQu have uncovered a first look at the storm, featuring deep red and brown hues that will eventually engulf the Island.

In a jaw-dropping twist, leaker notkrae revealed that a massive lightning strike will shoot into the sky before striking Pandora’s Box. This will make it glow, with bolts firing off into the surrounding Underworld Water. As a grand finale, the statue’s eyes and surrounding lightning will turn bright red, signaling the culmination of the Chapter 5 Season 3 build-up event.

All these electrifying actions tie into the Chapter 5 Season 2 Story Quests. After Zeus's defeat, The Oracle foretold a prophecy of suffocating dust and clouded skies, hinting at an impending disaster: "Storm clouds gather. The Wanderer draws near," The Oracle declared.

Remember, these leaks and rumors could evolve as we get closer to the event. Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready for an unforgettable Fortnite adventure!